LearnPad Tablets for Schools: Device Usage Getting Device Information

Getting Device Information

February 18, 2015

The Information page provides diagnostic information about your LearnPad devices which can be useful for troubleshooting. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything that you see on this page! The LearnPad technical support team might ask you for some of this information if you contact them with a technical enquiry.

To access the Information page, from the LearnPad Home screen or any LearnPad Category screen:

Touch the Extended Menu button in the top-right of the screen.
Touch Information.

The Information page is displayed.

The Information page toolbar features five buttons which (from left to right) provide the following functionality:


Refresh the Information Page.

Display the Wi-Fi Information Page.

Pre-emptively download all resources within the current lesson.

Clear the LearnPad file cache, forcing fresh versions of lesson content to be downloaded.

Display in-depth device application logs.


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