Installing user certificates

Installing user certificates

Web connected devices use SSL Certificates to confirm the identity of servers they need to connect to securely.

In some cases, servers can use a certificate that hasn’t been signed by a recognised certifying authority (a self-signed certificate). If such a server is known to be secure and trustworthy, it can prove more user-friendly to install the server’s certificate on any devices that connect to it.

This process is known as installing a User Certificate, and prevents persistent security warnings from being shown to the user.

Prior to installing the Certificate

In order to deploy a Certificate using ClassConnect, it must be in PEM format.

To install a User Certificate

Log in to the ClassConnect portal. Under the Admin heading on the left of the screen, select Certificates.

Click the Add New Certificate link in the Action bar on the right. This will open the Add Certificate dialog.

Enter a descriptive name for the certificate in the Name field.Click on the Add Certificate button, which will open the Certificate detail view.

Click on the pencil icon next to Certificate (in PEM format).

Copy and paste the text contents of the certificate in PEM format, including the BEGIN and END statements.
Click on the pencil icon again to save the certificate.

Once the devices in the organisation have updated themselves, the new certificate can be seen on each device under Settings > Security > Trusted credentials > USER.

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