To access the stock Android Launcher on your LearnPad tablets, simply take the following steps:
1. Tap the padlock to unlock LearnPad as the Super Administrator (please contact support if you need this password). Please note that this step is important - if the tablet is simply unlocked as Teacher, this will not work.
2. Open the Device Settings swipe down from the top of the learnpad twice and tap the cog.
3. From the left-hand menu, tap Apps.
4. In the top-right of the screen, tap the Extended Menu (3-dot) button.
5. Tap Reset app preferences.
6. Tap the Home button.
Tap Google Now Launcher to access the stock android launcher - tap Just Once. If you wanted to permanently convert learnapds to stock android choose always.
To get back to learnpad tap home again and choose LearnPad
Tap home button again
Now you will be back in the Learnpad Launcher